Registration checklist
Here's everything you need to start booking shifts with Karo.
NMBI Pin (Nurses & Midwives only)
If you’re a nurse we require your NMBI PIN so we can check your registration with the NMBI database.
Minimum Two references
We need to collect at least two professional references for your application, so make sure you have at least 2 people that could act as your referee. We accept references from:
Any previous healthcare employer
Up to one agency
Passport or ID Card
To confirm your right to work in Ireland we’ll need a copy of your passport, your nationality and if applicable a copy of your work permit - stamp type 0 - 5
Garda Clearance Certificate
To confirm your right to work for Health Care Organisations on behalf of Karo, Garda Vetting is conducted in respect of any person who has access to, or contact with, children or vulnerable persons. As part of our onboarding we will process Garda vetting on your behalf.
Up to Date Documentation
GNIB Card & Visa (if applicable)
Recent proof of address (3 - 6 months)
Copy of CV
2/3 names & contact details of referees
Manual Handling and People Lifting
Infection Control
Hand Hygiene
Medication Management
Safeguarding Certificates (Adult & Child) MAPA (Optional - done as a 2nd stage after account setup)
EWS & Sepsis
Fitness to Work Certificate
Hep B titre level, Hep C (blood screening) proof of immunity for MMR & Varicella + BCG scar (if not visible mantoux or quantiferon test), Pertussis (whooping cough)
Copy of any additional Nursing Certificates i.e. ICU, A & E, IV Policy
Fire safety
GDPR (HSE land)
Immunity certifications
At least one year of work experience
You’ll need at least one year of experience to find work through Karo. The healthcare organisations that use Karo require that you explain any gaps in your employment history.